So many of us are struggling with motivation after months of inactivity, overindulging, low mood and high levels of stress. I thought I would share some tips on how you can start getting back on track as we are gearing up for (hopefully) some normality soon.
Please please don’t fall for quick fixes. I know it is easy to panic and want to see results straight away but for sustainable, healthy changes, they need to be done right. Here’s what I’d suggest:
Tip 1: count your steps.
Have you ever heard the saying, what gets measured gets done? I wear an Apple Watch every day so I can track my steps. I would have considered myself an active person working out 5-6 times a week, but when I started measuring my steps I would be less than 50% the recommended daily average (10k) on some days. As a nation we have been less active in the last 12 months so I would start here and aim to get your step count up to 8,000 a day on average, and if possible 10,000. Work up to it, set challenges, listen to audio books on walks and make it a starting point for your journey.
Tip 2: drink more water.
I love drinking water and thought I drank plenty. Until I started tracking it. My average was 1.5 litres a day, at the very best it was 1.8 litres. It is recommended you need a minimum of 2 litres plus extra to compensate for any caffeinated drinks you may consume. Hydration is essential for your mood, energy, skin, digestion, focus and so much more. Focus on ensuring you are drinking enough… sounds simple but so many of us don’t.
3. find out what you enjoy.
Life is too short not to do what you enjoy right? Exercise is not the stereotypical pounding a treadmill in an intimidating gym environment. Not any more anyway. There is SO much choice. Are you sociable… try group exercise! Is your exercise time your headspace too? Try meditation. Are you competitive? Sign up for a fitness challenge. Do you hate the thought of running? Try HIIT. There’s dancing, pilates, running clubs, indoor cycle, even barre ballet fitness. The world of exercise has developed so much and there really is something for everyone. Experiment online and find out what you like.
4. create time and space.
You need to find the time and write it down. It will show commitment and it is more likely to get done. Pop it in your diary, grey out the time, create a set schedule, make a confirmed booking. If you are working out on demand at home, you can still do this by writing your class time in your diary. But make sure you create your own little workout space to get your head into the zone and stay on track.
5. do 1 session a week.
We are creatures of habit. Once you form a positive habit, you have jumped through a huge hurdle towards creating a more positive life!! You form habits through consistency, and when you try to do too much at once, it can be overwhelming, and everything can fall over. This is why I think it is better to start off with 1 thing a week. 1 run, 1 gym session, 1 class, 1 meditation… whatever and whenever it may be. 1 time in your whole week that you can commit to, regularly carry out, and soon it will be something you absolutely will not consider missing.
6. don’t overthink it.
Short and sweet. JUST START. JUST GET GOING. You can do it, you can do anything you put your mind to. Remember that ?