Feeling a little flat or in need of a boost? Here are two smoothies which are mood-boosting and game-changing, with ingredients that are packed with goodness.
Cacao, Almond Butter & Banana
This creamy chocolate and banana concoction might sound like a treat but trust me – it is super healthy too. Cacao has more benefits than I could begin to list but the main ones are that it can trigger feelings of happiness, as well as containing oodles of antioxidants (20x more than blueberries!) Bananas are high in vitamin B6 which helps produce both serotonin and dopamine, both are very welcome right now. Last but not least, almond butter can help increase your heart health. How’s that for a healthy treat?
Why not try… adding a handful of oats to make it thicker and more filling OR changing the almond butter for another nut butter like peanut or cashew.
1 tbsp cacao
1 tbsp nut butter
1 banana (frozen for a thicker smoothie)
200ml almond milk (more for thinner smoothie, less for thicker)
Spinach, Berry and Almond Milk
Spinach is rumoured for making you strong (like Popeye!) but there is some truth in that. There’s so much goodness in spinach including protein and vitamin C, and it is folate rich which boosts your mood too. We know those benefits around almonds but what about the berries? Well, they are known for boosting your mood and this is due to antioxidants called flavonoids, which activate pathways in the brain and minimise cellular ageing. We’ll be having two of these!
Why not try… changing spinach for kale, a darker leafy green if you’re feeling hard enough! And experiment with your berries, I use a mix of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.
Handful of spinach
2 cups berries (frozen for a thicker smoothie)
200ml almond milk
It is amazing how much of an effect the foods we put into our bodies can have on our mood and our energy levels. Which one of these recipes will you be trying?