Here we go again! This round up is all about ideas and games to make the most of this time with our little ones while we are at home together.
I love making smoothies for Teddy, especially to sneak in some extra veg like spinach or beetroot. I put Teddy in his high chair by the kitchen counter so he can watch me and play with some fruit himself. Then he can share my smoothie for his morning or afternoon snack, either in his @hapsnordic smoothie pouch, his @ecorascals bamboo cup or sometimes, he just steals mine!!
Teddy loves figuring things out and from an early age liked to try and put things together himself. He loves his @mizziethekangaroo puzzles and games. The jigsaw box contains 3 different puzzles in different sizes, he can’t quite match the pictures up yet but it keeps him occupied for ages getting the pieces to fit
Find out more about Mizzie the Kangaroo games and accessories HERE.
Walking has become a staple in lockdowns, and the fresh air and vitamin D is very much needed. Being stuck indoors is not good for anyone. So we try to get out even when the weather is a bit rubbish even if it isn’t very far, or it is just in the garden. Collecting leaves or cones for some craft helps Ted to learn new words, and ever since he saw @officialpeppa doing it, he loves splashing in puddles! Teddy laughing and splashing is a breath of fresh air <3
The best way to play with a toddler is to act like a toddler!!! We role play lots of different and fun scenarios, like making smoothies with our wooden play fruit, lining up our cars to start a race, or playing shop with our@johnadams_toys Play Stuff Dough. Ted could play with the dough for ages, he loves cutting it and he laughs his head off when I ‘pretend’ eat something and pull yucky faces like I didn’t like what he made me!!
Find out more about John Adams Play Stuff Dough HERE.
We need something to break the day up and adding things into our routine can be fun. So at 3pm after Teddy’s nap and afternoon snack we have a hot chocolate with whipped cream together. It sounds simple but it is something ‘to do’. He loves holding his @tumtumtots
raindrop mug like a grown up, and he LOVES getting the whipped cream on his face. We started to take hot chocolate selfies too, it will be a nice scrapbook memory of lockdown when this is all over.
We love love love this! Teddy finds it hilarious, and you don’t have to spend money on lots of outfits. I find things of mine for him to try, he loves putting his feet in my trainers or trying on hats. Face paints are always lots of fun to try too.
I want to set an example to Teddy that exercise is essential and you always have to make time in your day to move your body! We made a little gym in our garage so I take Teddy in there a couple of times a week and he has fun with everything in there and I (just about) manage to work out! Dancing to music, a long walk with the trike, stretching in the living room… we always intended to try and be active with Ted but it is more important in lockdown with us generally not moving as much due to staying at home. Hopefully it won’t be long before we are playing sports together