10 ideas to help you find yourself when you are stuck in a rut.
All the last minute changes, never knowing what to believe on the news, being stuck at home, anxious about the future… many of us are stuck in a rut.
Here are some ideas to break out of a funk.
* start a 10 minute morning routine when you wake up including stretching and breathwork, setting you up for a positive mindset
* plan some relaxation time whether it is a massage or sitting in a quiet place to read. Try to make it a regular thing
* rearrange some furniture and have a bit of a spring clean. Moving furniture around and changing up some accessories can really represent a new start
* find somewhere totally new to go on a long walk or a steady jog
* book something in the future that is exciting and fun, whether big or small. A gig, a festival, a meet up with friends, theme park tickets, or a weekend away
* reduce your screen time. It is so easy to fall into the trap of automatically scrolling. Have a digital detox for a few days, and after that try to have time without social media every day
* read a new book, maybe something you wouldn’t normally read. I like to read something thought provoking to help me totally escape from everything else, usually fiction or mystery
* de clutter at home. This might be your wardrobes or your downstairs cupboards. But be ruthless, get rid of things you haven’t worn or don’t use and be mindful of being less wasteful in the future
* do something for someone else. Go food shopping for an older friend or relative, babysit for an exhausted mum, take a shelter dog for a walk, take supplies to a food bank or homeless shelter, message someone who needs a pick me up
* make time to move your body. It could be a regular intense cardio workout, a regular yoga practice or an outdoor walk, whatever it is, moving your body will always have a positive impact on your mindset
If you’re stuck in a rut, maybe try one or more of the above and let me know how you get on. I am going to find a new book and look at booking something fun in the future ?