The benefits of cardio on our mood are well documented. Running, cycling, HIIT – produces endorphins triggering positive feelings ??? BUT did you know, that there is also evidence that strength training can help to reduce stress and anxiety. The @global_wellness_institute recently shared a study that claims anxiety was reduced by up to 20% in those that took part in resistance training classes or in a gym twice a week. Right now, I think many of us need all the help managing anxiety that we can get. I think weight training is seriously underrated. It helps to keep your heart healthy and joints strong, but importantly helps to reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. It is THAT feeling, when you pick up that bar or push those weights, helping to build your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. It is one way we can proactively make that inner voice be nice to us ??
So I’m here in the garage (aka gym), totally shattered after a long day at work, putting Ted to bed and feeling a bit wobbly. Just 20 minutes resistance training but I needed it, and I feel better. Just wondering if you are active but you don’t do strength training, let me know why below or private message me… Do you think it will make you bulky? Do you worry about technique? Do you doubt the benefits? Do you find it hard to fit it in amongst other exercise? Let me know ??